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Saturday it will be exactly two months since I joined Maynestreet Weight Loss

“My name is Lane Monson, and next Saturday it will be exactly two months since I joined Maynestreet Weight Loss. This has been one of the most positive and successful experiences of my adult life!

I’ve known for some time that my weight and my inches had crept up on me over the past three years. And I realized I had two choices, purchase new pants with a larger waist size, or get serious about my nutrition and fitness. I chose the latter.

My initial goal was to lose 18 lbs in 30 days, then I decided to go for 20. I reached that goal in 27 days, which is still hard to believe. And then I knew that the real goal needed to be 30 lbs., so I kept going. I’m now in phase 2, and I hit my 30 lbs. goal this morning! And guess what. I now know that I want to release another 5 lbs., which I’m confident I’ll achieve within the next 10-15 days.

My pants fit. I’m 2 belt notches smaller. I can button my top button on my shirts. I’ve stopped snoring. No more acid reflux. And I know what to eat and what to avoid eating each day. I’m grateful to my coach, Debbie Harris. And I’m grateful for how inexpensive their program is financially!” Lane M 


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“You’ll notice it first in your face”

Day 11. Weight 261.2. Loss .9 Total loss 13.9. As David said,,,,, “you’ll notice it first in your face”. Very true . I see a HUGE difference and I feel super. Walked 1 mile yesterday. Getting

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